Conserving Water

Water is at the core of sustainable development and is critical for socio-economic development, healthy ecosystems and for human survival. Bayer’s commitment towards effective water management goes beyond the company’s own operations and reflects our ambition to generate impact. As a key player in the fields of health and agriculture, we are committed to conserving water and ensuring that everyone has access to clean water.
Water management efforts for farmers
The availability of fresh water is a growing concern around the world. In response to this challenge, Bayer recharged 50 borewells of smallholder famers in Junnar taluka, Pune, and Malegaon in Nashik district through rainwater harvesting techniques. This initiative will help to improve the water table in these areas and provide a much-needed source of water for local farmers.

The Bore Charger is a smart, patented, water harvesting technique that perforates impervious PVC or MS steel casing pipe at hydro geologically appropriate depth using a robotic arm. The yield improvement is achieved by puncturing the casing of the borewell at appropriate depths to allow water from the unconfined aquifer system to enter the borewell.
This intervention helps to:
- Improve irrigation & drinking water quantity & quality
- Reduce salination of soil due to dissolved salts
- Improve soil health, farm output productivity, production and farm income thereby creating lesser vulnerability of farmers due to weather shocks
- Improve health of water consumers due to lesser dissolved salts, fluorides, etc.
The bore recharge also helps to control and mitigate flooding and secondly ensures that rainwater percolates into groundwater.
Water management efforts are also being carried out in 3 villages of Padampur block, Odisha to increase water storage and irrigation potential and enhance land productivity through watershed measures. Building awareness amongst the farming community in conserving water in agriculture is also our focus.