Our Commitment to Society

We have established ourselves as a trusted brand in India for over 125 years with significant contributions towards advancing agriculture, public health and sustainability in the country. We want to improve the quality of life in communities and contribute to solving social challenges.
At the heart of our Corporate Societal Engagement (CSE) in India are three focus areas: ‘Rural Development, ‘Preventive Health Care’ and ‘Education & Community Engagement’ and we have benefitted more than 4 million Indians through various initiatives in the last five years.
Bayer in India Sustainability Report
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At Bayer, we want to contribute to a world where everyone has access to sufficient food and can live a healthy life. Accordingly, our corporate charitable giving partners help drive positive societal change supporting our purpose “Science for a better life” and fueling our mission “Health for all, Hunger for none”.
We are working in aspirational districts, districts low on indices of prosperity, accessibility to major transport networks and communities with limited or no means to harness the benefit of technology, resources, and new skills. We aim to promote societal progress by supporting initiatives that tackle the root cause of issues and ideas with the potential to make a lasting impact for change.
Our programs focus on finding new answers for challenges related to the UN sustainable development goals around nutrition, health, gender equality and access to water, in alignment with our vision.

Bayer Foundation India (formerly known as Bayer Prayas Association) is a not-for-profit Indian company incorporated in the year 2011 and registered under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 (now Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013). BFI is also registered under U/S 12 A and 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961. BFI holds a registration certificate under the provisions of the Foreign (Contributions) Regulation Act, 2010 governed by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
- To undertake the task of Social Economic and Educational upliftment of general public, irrespective of gender & communities
- To improve quality of life in communities and contribute to solving social challenges
- To work for the upliftment of aspirational districts, delivering innovative technology-based solutions and drive unified community engagement projects around education, access to water and gender equality.
The Company’s CSE programs are aligned with global objectives of Bayer while pursuing a long-term, well planned, multi-stakeholder participatory approach resulting in a measurable impact on targeted communities.