
Spread over 85 acres, the Bayer Vapi site has 13 manufacturing plants for 11 active ingredients and 11 intermediates. The site also manufactures Ethofumesate, a herbicide.
Active Ingredients
Active ingredients are the chemicals in pesticides that kill, control, or repel pests. For example, the active ingredients in an herbicide are the ingredient(s) that kill weeds. Often, the active ingredients make up a small portion of the whole product.
Aclonifen is a herbicide used in the pre-emergence control of broad-leaves and grass weeds in sunflower fields.
The most efficient treatment with Aclonifen consists in a pre-emergence treatment in which the herbicide distributed on the soil surface penetrates inside the seedling. The herbicidal action, will then be obtained after a transfer of the active ingredient (a.i.) from the underground parts of the seedling into young leaves.
Aclonifen is non-volatile and is not expected to leach to groundwater. It is relatively non-toxic to birds and honeybees but more so to most aquatic organisms.
Flumethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide. It is one of the best Active ingredients against ticks and mites. It acts mainly as a contact insecticide. It act on the membrane of nerve cells which strongly disrupts the transmission of nervous impulses . At low concentrations insects and other arthropods suffer from hyperactivity. At high concentrations they are paralyzed and die.
It is vastly used externally in veterinary medicine against parasitic insects and ticks on livestock, dog, parasites and the treatment of mites in honeybee colonies.
Flumethrin is toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates.
Ethiprole is a non-systemic phenyl-pyrazole insecticide that is effective against a wide range of insects. Ethiprole is a broad-spectrum insecticide effective at low application rates against plant hoppers, thrips, aphids, weevils, flies and maggots, grasshoppers, psyllids, leaf miners and some species of whitefly. Good activity against stink bugs in rice has been reported. Good activity against stink bugs in rice has been reported.
Cypermethrin is a non-systemic insecticide of the synthetic pyrethroid family. It has an excellent quality of action towards a wide spectrum of crop damaging insects. It is quite versatile and used extensively for agricultural crop protection.
Alpha Cypermethrin is one of the important insecticides in the Synthetic Pyrethroids class. Structurally, it is a racemic mixture of active isomers, which are present in Cypermethrin. The racemic mixture of active isomers, commercially named Alphamethrin is extremely effective for crop protection.
Alpha-Cypermethrin is a non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. It acts on the central and peripheral nervous system of the target organisms in very low doses. It is effective on a wide range of chewing and sucking insects in fruits, vegetables, oil seeds, beans, cotton and other crops. It also has domestic applications in public health for the control of cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies etc. It is compatible with most of the organophosphorous insecticides.
Transfluthrin is a synthetic pyrethroid and is used in preparations to control crawling and flying insects in households. In regard to its structure, toxicology and principle of action on insects’ nerves, Transfluthrin is regarded as one of the fast-acting pyrethroids with low persistency.
Transfluthrin is highly selective. Low quantities are exceptionally powerful against hygiene, health and material pests in the indoor environment. The excellent knock-down action of Transfluthrin at an extremely low concentration permits its use especially in products to combat flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches. In products against crawling insects, Transfluthrin shows a flushing and knockdown effect. It is a relatively volatile substance and acts principally as a contact and inhalation agent. It does not have a residual effect.
Permethrin is one of the important insecticides having improved characteristics over the earlier known pyrethroids. It has insecticidal properties similar to natural pyrethrins. Permethrin is more economical and more stable towards sunlight as compared to naturally occurring pyrethrins. It also has better biological action for crop protection and domestic applications. The insecticidal properties in Permethrin are mainly based upon the dichlorovinylcyclopropane carboxylate unlike in Pyrethrins, which are based upon dimethylvinylcyclopropane carboxylate. Hence, improved photo stability and a high level of insecticidal activity are achieved.
It is also biodegradable and thus environmentally safe. Like other common pyrethroids, it is a non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. It is very effective against a broad range of pests. Permethrin is highly effective towards leaf and fruit eating insects. It is also effective against flying and crawling insects. Permethrin needs low dosage on crops because of which application is economical. It also has domestic applications in public health as it controls horn flies, face flies, stable-flies, ticks, lice as well as cockroaches and mosquitoes.
Cyfluthrin is a highly effective insecticide in the pyrethroid group. It acts mainly as a contact poison, but also has a good oral effect. It has both, a good knock down effect and a long-lasting (residual) effect even at low quantities. Cyfluthrin has a broad spectrum of efficacy and is highly suitable for combating numerous domestic (household), storage and hygiene pests and nuisance insects. It acts both on the sensitive strains and those resistant to pests and carbamates.
Beta Cyfluthrin is a foliar insecticide for control of chewing and sucking insects on cereal, corn, cotton, deciduous fruit, peanuts, potatoes, vegetables, turf and ornamental plants. Its application includes control of a wide spectrum of insect pests and insect-borne plant viruses. It is also used for control of insect pests in public health.
Deltamethrin is one of the new generation Synthetic Pyrethroids. Since recommended usage of the formulation is a very low percentage of the active ingredient, it is a very eco-friendly and user-friendly product.
It is a non-composite synthetic pyrethroid; a broad spectrum, non-cumulative insecticide; a fast acting neurotoxic agent with good contact and stomach action and non-fumigant action. Its biological activity is very stable in the environment since it has good residual activity on many insects and most surfaces. Deltamethrin is non-systemic in plants. It is of moderately high toxicity in mammals and is readily metabolized with rapid loss of toxicity. It has a repellent effect for some insects.
Deltamethrin is an effective larvicide, ovicide and adulticide against a number of plant parasitic pests (Lepidoptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and Acarides). It is also effective against a number of biting, disease vector and nuisance insects of man and animals.
Ethofumesate is a selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the emerging shoots (grasses) or roots (broad-leaved plants), with translocation to the foliage. It is not readily absorbed by leaves after the plant has generated a mature cuticle. Ethofumesate inhibits the growth of meristems, retards cellular division, and limits formation of waxy cuticles.
It is used pre- and/or post-emergence in sugar beet and other beet crops, turf, rye grass and the other pasture grasses, at 0.3-2.0 kg a.i. /ha. against a wide range of grass and broad-leaved weeds, with persistence of activity in the soil.
Some crops are highly tolerant towards Ethofumesate, including strawberries, sunflowers, phaseolus beans and tobacco, depending on the time of application.
The Intermediate manufacturing facilities cater to our Active Ingredients and starts from generic chemicals. This gives Bayer Vapi a complete control on assured supply and quality of its products.
BDCB is an intermediate for Bixafen. Bixafen is an aromatic amide moiety fungicide use for cereals for key stem and leaf disease control including strobilurin-resistant septoria.
NaCMTS is an intermediate for Sivanto. It is an insecticide precisely targets key damaging pests while helping safeguard beneficial insects to preserve the overall health of plants.
CPDM is an intermediate for Cyclanilide. It is a plant growth regulator and a fungicide which is used as a cotton harvest aid.
Cypermethric Acid Chloride (CMAC) is an intermediate for the manufacture of the most Synthetic Pyrethroids based insecticides like Cypermethrin, Permethrin, Alpha Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Cyfluthrin, Beta-Cyfluthrin, Transfluthrin etc.
Metaphenoxybezal Alcohol is an intermediate used in the manufacture of Permethrin.
Future investments
Upcoming project include Triazoindolinone plant ( brown field project). Vapi site is also investing in many other projects in the areas of safety, infrastructure etc.
Quality Assurance is an essential part of all business activities. The site has its own Quality Assurance Labs with testing abilities that include classical analytical instruments like UV / Vis Spectrophotometer, Autotitrators, Digital Melting Point Apparatus, etc. and modern analytical instruments like High Performance Liquid Chromatographs, Gas Liquid Chromatographs, GC MS, FTIR and NMR.